Ability for admins to set global notification preferences

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We recently enabled notifications in our NXT environment. When we did so, we came to learn that in-app, e-mail AND Slack notifications are all on by default. There is no way in the user interface for admins to disable individual channels (it has to be done via GS Support which in our experience had more than a week turnaround time).

In addition, we’d like to have some granularity in setting event subscriptions. By default, there are about 15 event subscription types. We’d like to be able to allow most of these to show in-app, but not via e-mail or Slack (as an example). As of now, each individual user has to set their own preferences for what they want to receive. In our org of 30+ CSMs, that’s not scalable. 

Right now, it’s enough to make us turn off all notifications which defeats the purpose. 

I’m not on NXT yet - but I sure would like to see this rectified before I am.

This is on the roadmap but may not be available in the short term

This is on the roadmap but may not be available in the short term

Wondering what’s the best way to get an update from Gainsight?