JO Tabular Reports: additional analytics needed on participant level to show # of rows/columns retrieved for tabular reports; if either limitation exceeded, add option to attach report results as csv

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Currently JO does NOT provide any feedback on the true # of retrieved rows for embedded tabular reports for any one company. I think after participants are brought into a program that the report filtering/snapshot job should do a check on # of filtered rows/ # of displayed rows and whether  participant(s) were seeing all of the report info pertinent to them.  If the amount of info for a tabular report exceeds the 5x20 limitation I think we need to add in an option that would automatically attach a tabular report CSV onto the email sends for participants where the 5x20 limitation is exceeded. 

Also, I think it would be useful to see # of filtered rows/ # of displayed rows when previewing an email step with an inline tabular report. This is based on a conversation had on this topic with Clark Burris from Mitel. I do think that there is an opportunity to improve how the embedded tabular reports function, and one of the keys would be to provide the JO admin the ability to see whether a filtered tabluar report exceeds the 5x20 limitation and allow them to send additional filtered report results.



@chethana do we have anything on the radar?

We have added a new option for the admin to choose the number of rows that should be shown in an embedded report. Admin can choose to embed upto 100 rows per report now. We will be including further enhancements to embedded reports as part of the new advanced programs building experience.

Updated idea statusNo StatusUnder Consideration