Journey Orchestrator: Update exclusion lists via Rule

Related products: None

Currently, the only way to update the exclusion list on a program is manually via CSV upload.

As a Gainsight Admin, I would like the ability to use a Rule to dynamically update the Exclusion list for a single JO Program.

While we could leverage the query-builder in sources to exclude participants by unique email address, being able to define a program-specific list could be very useful.

Our use-case is that we have a Pendo NPS dataset that is being integrated into SFDC and we want to dynamically exclude any participants from there from current NPS sends without manual intervention.

Thinking through this, I will also investigate if there is a field on the user record that is “Do not send” or “exclude” that can be toggled via rule, but this does not seem Program-specific, which is the ask on this.

@jean.nairon and @gunjanm do you have any suggestions here?

I think this request is similar to an existing post, you may want to add feedback to this thread.

@kelly Thanks!!

@keith_mattes did you get a chance to follow this post?

Thanks! I saw that post and it’s pretty much the same ask, thank you!