Show CTA Name on Playbook Tasks

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Customer request: when looking at a subtask in a CTA (i.e. a Playbook task) it would be helpful to show the name of the CTA on the task pane itself.  You can see the CTA name on the left side, but depending on monitor resolution it may be too small or difficult to manage, which is why showing it in the Task fly-out window would help. 
Hai Sarah, What is the device you are working on and which page are you accessing?

To display the CTA name in the Playbooks , Navigate to Administration> Task > Add the Call To Action Name here.

This will display the Call To Action Name in Playbooks . For more details please refer here .
Hi Sai,

We played with that a bit, it's workable for now but since the default group can get pushed down on the page quite a bit (depending on what you have added there) we're thinking that adding it to the actual task details, with Priority / Status / Description, would look better and be an easier UI experience.  Generally we'd like to be able to customize that details section on both the CTA and Task, not just add to the default group, so that we can control what order fields appear in on the CTA layout.


Hi Sarah, I understand your use-case,I will raise this to our product team.Thanks for posting.