Advanced outreach analytics automatic refresh

Related products: CS Journey Orchestrator, Email & Notifications

Right now, the advanced outreach analytics only refresh when you hit the refresh button in the top right. Is it possible to make the numbers refresh when the page reloads?

I can't think of a reason why people would not want the most recent data on this page.
"I can't think of a reason why people would not want the most recent data on this page."

Totally agree. I was super confused by that for a while. It's just one click, but seems silly.
Just had a case where this came up.  It'd be cool if this would at least refresh once a day on it's own?  Otherwise customers without this knowledge have reasons to be concerned about their data.
Any thoughts on if/when we could implement something like this? Even a once-daily sync would be cool.

We thought it was updating real time until my team created a dashboard with reports for a program and NPS stats. This should definitely be updating real time... When stakeholders see inconsitent data on dashboards we provide, we lose more of their trust with the data we give them.

Yes! More constant refreshing would also help with reporting. We are using a report that pulls from the AO Analytics object for Surveys Responded.