Can you make the Team Photos in the "Welcome Email template" populate based on the CSM assigned?

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I'm working on a new welcome email to go out from my company's VP. 

Can you make the photos (like you see in the Meet Your Team! template) auto-populate based on who is assigned to the account in SalesForce? So the CSM, launch person, etc would populate where the faces of the Presidents are. 

If not, then I don't think it makes sense to use this. If it DOES work to have the photos populate, then it's the greatest thing ever. 

Thanks for your help.

Ditto! We are looking to implement something like this as well, but I haven't quite been able to figure out how to auto-populate this images.
Good question! As of now, the photos themselves cannot auto-populate. The current value in it lies in the formatting capabilities alongside the traditional CoPilot advantages (power lists, scheduled outreaches, saved template repository, etc.)

I'll sync w/ our Product team to understand if/where this lies on our roadmap - it's a great suggestion.
Thanks for sharing the idea! This is part of the roadmap. 

Questions that we are trying to answer: Where do you have the profile pic stored? SFDC User's profile pic?

Will every user have the pic always, what do you want to do when the picture is not uploaded. Stop sending the email right? 

Will everyone load the pic with same resolution? Or the other way around, will it be okay to have different size of pic for different email?
Hi Sundar!

I'm excited to see this on the roadmap! I think depending on how you set the functionality up, we would be able to work with the parameters. For us, it wouldn't be too hard to put procedures in place to have pictures taken and have them uploaded into SFDC as the User's profile picture, if that can be pulled into the email.

If you also had the ability to store image assets in a repository we could assign the photo to each member and pull it into the email as needed. 

In my opinion, the images would need to be standardized by each company. We might have a different resolution requirement than XYZ company. The size will also be different. We would want our teams to be the same, but it would be nice to have the option for Large, Medium, or Small for different email templates.
Totally, Lane makes a great point. We've been standardizing our head-shots at Hootsuite over the last year, so it makes something like this much more feasible. 
Following up on this old thread.

We are also planning to do something like this and wondering if this is supported by the application.