Association of relationships of different types while logging a timeline activity.

Related products: None

Hi Team,


Current behaviour: With current behaviour we cannot associate relationships of different types while logging a timeline activity.
Document Link: Log Activities to Timeline

Requirement: Customer is expecting the ability to associate relationships of different types.

Can we please check on this requirement and get it into product.

FYI : @rachana shastry 

Thanks for raising this @Abid .


FYI: ,


@Gopal / Soumitra - Could you please confirm if this is in the roadmap and when could we expect it ?



Hi Manu,


This is P1 request from customer LeanIX (, could you please let us know if this is in the road map and when could we expect it ? 



@rachana shastry We are currently looking into this. This is in our roadmap but we do not have any ETA yet. We will update once we have an ETA.

@soumitrasahu Are there any updates on this?

This is especially frustrating for CSMs if a Person is associated with multiple Relationship types. In this case, when sending an email from Outlook, it doesn’t get logged to any of the Relationship Timelines, but is only saved as a draft. This means CSMs have to go to the Timeline and log it to one of the Relationships every single time they send an email.