Company Person section should have column filters

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Company Person section of C360 should have column filters - all I can quick search for is Name or Email, without having to go through the lengthy filter process.



@darkknight do you mean all the columns added to the list view, should be consider for filters?

I think he means he wants a quick filter option at the top of each column.  So, you could do Title = XYZ without having to go into the overall filter section.

Yes @heather_hansen - similar to related lists:



Hi @darkknight 

We will consider this feedback as a part of the person section revamp




Any update here? Would love to have more control over the data than having to use the FILTER button at the top of the section. Even using that doesn’t save the filter, so its just more clicks for a worse experience.

Are there any updates here? We’re starting to use this section more, and it’s not an ideal experience for our CSMs.