Date fields for filter criteria for selecting email template versions.

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Hi Team,

Currently we are not supporting date fields in Email template versions filtering criteria.

i.e Date fields are not showing in filter conditions.

Client has a use case which requires opting the email template versions based on a date field.

Please take a look and add this feature.


HI Abid

We plan to add 2 date filters (Created on , Modified on ) as part of current undergoing email template revamp. 

This will enable filter templates on date filter.


@ssamarth @Abid I would want to further expand on a real-life scenario for using date fields where “created on” and “modified on” won’t do the job.

We’ve developed a tech touch engagement around renewals, like many. To be less rigid and go with times of year, we’d like to use a field we mapped (Opportunity Close Date) as the criteria to select the email version to send to address. Although we strive not to send emails on odd days and bank holidays, sometimes, it is going to be bound to happen because the closing of an opportunity will happen during such a period. In that case, we want to be mindful of that and tailor our communication.

  • End of year and sharing holiday greetings with customers
  • Beginning of year and sharing new year wishes with customers

Which would translate: 

  • IF MONTH of opportunity close date in December, send end of year greetings
  • IF MONTH of opportunity close date in January, send new year wishes

It’s pretty basic but it feels less rigid and more human. Which we strive to do with JO. Please consider allowing just any mapped date field in the version filters. Thanks.