Licences count in NXT/SFDC

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Hi Team, 


One of my customer  wanted to have licenses view in Gainsight UI that should show Number of Licenses left over for us. In today’s world, users  will have to reach out to SF Admins to get this Number.


Currently, July’2020 release gives us the names of the users and how many licenses have been consumed. 




This and any other additional usage reporting for Nxt would be really helpful for driving adoption. At the moment there isn’t a lot of information in Nxt for ensuring user’s are using the tools and your company is getting the most value out of it. 

I previously created this idea as well for embedded Gainsight usage data in Gainsight:


Any additional live metrics in Gainsight on how users are using the new features would be incredibly helpful. 

@hardik_mota Currently thats not possible as this info is stored in SF, but we will consider your requests for future implementations.

+1 Another use case- what about other users that don't have a SFDC connection set up to NXT? Seems like it would be valuable for them to be able to look this information up themselves in Gainsight without having to contact their CSM or Support.

We also need a license usage count (X licences used out of Y licenses available, for each license type) directly under User Management in Gainsight NXT (cloud app). 

@alizee @Kate will keep you posted about the ETA. It is taken into consideration.