Be able to use User timezone on MDA reports (Zendesk data)

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I understand that for reports on data coming from MDA, the date / time is displayed in Gainsight timezone (whatever that is defined to). I can understand that for system events but when you have data that has been ingested via one of the connectors (for example ZenDesk) it really doesn't make sense to display the date / time in a timezone different from the one the user logged in with. Is this being considered or planned for a future release? You currently store everything in UTC and then recalculate when pulling the report so it seems like it shouldn't be a stretch being able to set it to the logged in user timezone rather than the GS timezone.

Marcelo - Can you share a sample report that you are looking at? The problem when you honor user timezone on aggregated report would be the counts would differ for each user. I might see that there are 20 tickets closed whereas you might be seeing 19 tickets. But I get the point that when you are seeing a seeing a single ticket, it makes sense to show it in user timezone. That is the reason, why you will see the features like Cockpit showing user timezone.

We have a feature in our roadmap to give the option to toggle between the user and Gainsight timezone on the report (esp the non-aggregated ones). And also show the timezone as a note in the screen either at bottom or top. Since this is not in the immediate priorities, will keep you posted on the ETA.
Hi Sundar! I'm aligned with your concern around aggregated ones, but the reports I'm referring to are non-aggregated ones were you are just checking, for example in ZenDesk, when specific tickets were created or last updated. Thanks!

We have similar concerns where our MDA data is all coming in UTC. However all reports are displayed in the timezone of the Admin creating the report. Instead we are  hoping to show them in the end-user’s timezone.