Question. Aren't we able to change the order of Columns in a Drill Down when creating Reports?

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While creating reports that use Graphs or Bars - I thought at one point, I could control the order of columns in the drill down section.  The drill down section being if you click on the graph, the secondary information that appears.

We've recently been creating some Timeline Reporting and when I order the columns in the order in which I need them and save - I go back and they are reverted back.  I checked some of my older reports in which I know I moved the columns around and they are correct.  But they are using the Accounts data source, not the Timeline Activity data source.

Anyone else?
Hi Sagan - I had this same question (posted in the replies here) and received a response from support indicating that unfortunately if you create a report off of an MDA object (as opposed to a SFDC object), the reordered fields in the drill down details of the graph do not save their new order.  Only reports created from SFDC fields will save the newly configured order. I'd love to see this functionality improved!
Hi Kate! I was really thinking was I was going crazy! I would LOVE for this to be improved as well.  Simply because I really hate that "[Account] Name" is the last Column rather than 2nd.  Granted, there are other reasons as well.  That's just one of them in particular. :)

EDIT:  When I was originally searching, I wasn't able to find associated posts.  Now coming back, I can see some very similar ones.  Apologies!
Also, here is where Chris explains about the SFDC vs MDA:
Hi All, Sorry for the inconvenience, this works for reports build on SFDC objects but not MDA objects. 

I am redirecting this to our product team and will update here once I hear from team.

Thanks for bringing this !
Thank you Sai!
Hey Sai, any additional feed back about the ability to be change the order of the columns for the MDA Object?  Or allow us to modify the MDA Object itself 🙂

Do we have any updates on this topic? 

This should already be implemented @cameron_wright 
Do remember to click the save button and verify

In Report Builder, you can change the column order in the drill down reports and can persist the newly changed order, even after saving the report. For detail information, refer to these articles: SFDC Edition and NXT Edition.

Thank you!