Notifications for Timeline Drafts

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Would love to see an easier way for users to be notified of pending drafts to be resolved in Timeline. We frequently find CSMs with many unresolved Drafts in Timeline because they are emailing contacts that are not in Gainsight, but it’s happening silently (they are never notified after sending the email that it wasn’t logged, and they are never notified when there are drafts pending their review in Timeline).

Unfortunately I also cannot figure out how to create my own report to show this to CSMs in their dashboard, so if someone has an idea on how I might be able to create a report to show this, that would be useful as well! I’ve tried to create a report from Email Log v2 and Activity Timeline with no luck.

I would LOVE to see a “you have timeline drafts” topic for notifications in NXT, so users could add a preference for realtime/daily/weekly notifications in app and by email.