Ability For Super Admin To Remove Dashboard Permissions In "View As"

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

If you navigate to Admin > Dashboards >  Three Dots > View As > Assume User

You are greeted with the list of Dashboards that user has permissions to. It also appears that because you are in a "view" mode, the option to remove dashboard permissions is "greyed" out and you cannot remove permissions. 

I have a request from a customer to allow the super admin the ability from the "view as" mode to remove dashboards like you can when in regular mode. 

Hi Steve, Redirecting this to product team for better visibility 

@All Please hit Like or +1 to increase the priority in the road-map.

Thanks for posting! 
We're encountering issues with both this and the fact that our admins and standard users are unable to "view as" someone else in a dashboard.

The latter is a critical blocker for our team, given the one that manages the implementation is not always the one that owns the account.
Hi Steve,

In the "View As" mode, you see the page as if you are the person you're viewing as. So, by providing super admins the ability to see permissions in their context, we would be missing out the information on if the person (admin is viewing as) has ownership/ is admin of the dashboard. 

Providing this might lead to a bit of confusion since everything on the page is supposed to be in the context of the person super admin is viewing as. 
Hi Rakesh, I understand that the ask might not be the most efficient way to do this. My push back here is that we need to add functionality where an admin can search for a user and return a list of dashboards they have permission to. From there, the request is to have checkboxes and a "mass add/remove" permissions functionality. Currently, they have to assume that user check which dashboards and then individually tab through them to remove permissions one by one. When a user has access to 10+ dashboards this is very time consuming. 

Make sense? 
+1 to Steve.  We've recently had a change up here, and I wasn't able to actually report on which Dashboards a user had permission to, so I had to log in as them - write down their list, then log back in as me and update the permissions.

There are a few posts around the community regarding this as well.  The ability for Admins to report on Dashboard Permissions of their Users.