"No Owner" or "Success Plan Owner" option for assigning objectives when creating a template

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We are running into the issue that we simply want the owner of the success plan to be the owner of the objectives for the success plan. Currently I have to find some random user object that doesn't normally get used. It's disruptive when that user is used and the objectives get assigned to someone else while the success plan is in a different owner's name.

When the system can't find my user I've put in, it just defaults to the owner anyway, it would be great if you didn't have to hack this behavior and just have it happen. 
YES!! We need this too!! We should be able to configure the Objectives so the owners are AUTOMATICALLY the Success Plan owner!
Hi Scotty, 

Are all the objectives of a success plane owned by a single person? How would you want that to work when there are multiple owners are present?

Hi Faust,

Currently when a user adds a template, the objectives get assigned to them? Do you want them to get assigned to the Success Plan owner instead? Any specific reason for this?
Hi Scotty, 

Are all the objectives of a success plane owned by a single person? How would you want that to work when there are multiple owners are present?

Hi Faust,

Currently when a user adds a template, the objectives get assigned to them? Do you want them to get assigned to the Success Plan owner instead? Any specific reason for this?
Hi Aditya - We found a workaround for our issue! This post helped us: https://community.gainsight.com/gainsight/topics/success-plan-template-dynamically-assign-objective-...

For us, the Success Plan owners are the ones working with the client to complete objectives and playbook tasks. We assign the Success Plan via Rules and when the Success Plan owner adds the Playbook template, it doesn't automatically assign the tasks to them.

But as mentioned, we found a way to work around this. Thanks!
Faust! That's actually the exact thing I am looking for! 


I searched for "Success Plan Owner" and "CTA Group Owner" and "Call To Action Group Owner"  and "Call 2 Action Group Master". 

Seriously, work on your tool's UEX, I would have never found that.
I struggled with this for about an hour, trying to identify how I create playbooks with an assignee as the Success Plan Owner. Ironically enough, I walked over and asked Scotty who experienced the same pain! His grin was pretty epic.

I highly encourage the changing of that name to "Success Plan Owner" as I had searched for 'Success,' 'Success Plan,' 'Owner,' and a ton of other combinations to no avail. 
Thanks for sharing the feedback Cinco & Scotty. Completely agree with what you mentioned & we will definitely improve this (the names are confusing).

When you searched for "Owner" the option should show up. Didn't that work for you?  

Great to hear, Aditya! Thanks for the follow-up.