Rule filtering is TOO sticky

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I pulled up my Rules List today, and was confused about why it was empty. It turns out that I had filtered yesterday on the names of the Rules, and that filter was [i]still there. I love that, while I'm actively working, I can leave and come back to the Rules page and the filtering would stick around. However, when my brain has completely left that workflow, and I come back to the Rules List, I expect the filtering to be blank. I think the same thing goes for the new advanced filtering in Rules List. Can there be some sort of expiration?

For what it's worth, I [i]don't feel the same way about the "Active"/"Inactive" checkboxes. Can't explain why. But I generally do not want to see Inactive rules, so I like being able to leave that unchecked.
I didn't even notice this until you pointed it out.  Now it's all I can see.  Thanks a lot Seth!!!

Or perhaps instead of an expiration show a message near the search box that indicates "Filters are active"?

Kinda like how some password entry fields will visually remind you that you have Caps Lock on. Because it's impossible to know what is the right time to disable Caps Lock for each user who has set it.
Eh I don't know.  I mean, it is startling at first that half your rules appear gone, but you notice pretty quickly that it's because there's a filter on.  I don't think having a message telling you filters are applied would remove the minor annoyance.

For me, the sticky filters are most valuable when I'm moving back and forth between screens in the same tab - like while I'm in a rule, I need to go to the Permissions - Rules Load Actions screen, then click "Back" and it takes me to the main Rules List.  Sticky filters are very helpful in that scenario.

But if I've closed a tab or a browser in which I was working in the rules engine, typically I have finished my task.   IMO the stickiness could be wiped out then and I'd be good.
I've actually liked the stickiness, it's helped me go back to what I was working on. I can also see how if that isn't what you are expecting, that can be startling. 

I think that was my deal with getting back to the rules list state, I was never sure which button was going to take me back to the rules list, or which button was going to take me to the filtered list. 
I've noticed it and I both like it and wish it wasn't there. For me the best distinction I can make is that when I'm staying within the Rules Engine I like that it stays (edit a rule, come back to look at the execution history and download the files (because I can't do that from within the rule editing screens!)) but when I am off to do something else and then come back to Rules Engine for something totally different it's not what I expect. Not sure there's a perfect solution, but my initial reaction is to clear it after I leave that area of Admin.
+1 At first, I didn't really pay attention.  Then I read this and though - Huh, I've not had that problem.  Fast forward a few days and BAM.  WHERE ARE ALL MY RULES!!  Oh, wow.  That's still there?  From Friday?  They really are sticky.

I may be doing something wrong - but when I click on 'Reset' for the filter, it doesn't wipe away the text field.
Hi Sagan,

You need to click on "Reset" and then "Apply" to view the entire Rules list.
Hey Jitin, that wipes away the filters if I have some set.  But I use a naming convention so I just type in a word or phrase that I'm looking for (in the text filed) to see that group of rules.  I've not played with the actual filters before.  I'm also still learning Rules Engine.. 🙂 Now I have something else I can look into playing around with! Thank you 🙂