Advanced outreach skip email in a chain

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I had a customer with a use case where they wanted to skip an advanced outreach email step in an email chain if the variant does not match.

Right now, if the variant does not match they get dropped before the AO even starts. There is a setting that allows you to send the default template if there is no variant match however in this case they would like the AO to skip the email and move along the chain.
Hi Alex,

Thanks for sharing the use case. We have planned in our roadmap. I will update here regarding the timeline once we start working on it.


Abhishek S
Hi Abishek,

Just wanted to see if this is any closer to being implemented? This came up again with customer today in regards to a thank you email. They didn't want to send the default variant if nothing matched. Seems like they still get dropped if you uncheck "Send default variant if the variant filter value does not have a match"
Hi Alex,

Not yet. It will take a few more months before this is implemented.


Abhishek S
FYI - I found a way to not send emails to some customers depending on the survey score.

I added a conditional wait that looks at the survey score and used no variants. The following only sends a thank you if they are a promoter.

Conditional wait
I ran into a similar limitation when using a Program with Email Chain. There are two emails: first email goes to all participants with multiple variants filtering to specific segments of participants; the second email is after a timer and Conditional Wait and only goes to one segment of participants, again with variants.

Since the Conditional Wait step is in fact a filter, participants that do not meet the criteria would not reach the second email step and would be dropped. However, since the second email is not sending a default variant and the dropped participants cannot meet any of the filtered variant criteria they end up as failed participants once the Program is published and do not even receive the first email in the chain. The exact reason for failure is "Variant not matched in step ...".

Seems like they should fail once the participant reaches second email rather than fail immediately upon publish.

We just launched a survey and the final step was sending to responders automatically to everyone even though we filtered on where the tier had to be one of our tech touch tiers and we split between Promoter and Detractor.


We noticed our high touch customers were getting follow up emails, and realized to send the default was checked if variants were not. I unchecked, and then attempted to test in a copy with my email on a high touch company contact but kept failing bc did not meet “send variants”?


Then I find this post and realize this has been an issue for over two years?????


If a participant does not meet a criteria at the very end they should not be dropped from steps before. It is not indicated in documentation that this should be done. 


We sent requests to high touch who gave a low score to give us a public review since they did not meet the variant criteria of being low touch. This is incredibly confusing and does not make sense as to why participants cannot be skipped at the actual step, especially since the other option allows you to skip the email if the tokens are not available.

At minimum, I think the NPS survey email model should be defaulted to include the conditional wait after the survey response to help users not run into this without knowing. it would encourage the conditional wait to be used

@john_apple  I am trying to implement your workaround. We have an auto reply confirming we received the survey response and then a conditional wait for 1 day to either create a CTA for a specific set of tiers (high touch), or send another auto email for another set of tiers (low touch). However during testing with our internal contacts on accounts, all the participants fell out of the program with a system error. I only set the criteria on the conditional wait to be the set of tiers that should receive the CTA. Is there something I am missing to get your work around to work?


The error I received:

Failed to evaluate condition, Reason: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.6.1.v20150916-55dc7c3): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException Internal Exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "participant_criteria_step_execution_36a5be376add45a5b8d895121c3" does not exist Position: 13 Error Code: 0 Call: INSERT INTO participant_criteria_step_execution_36a5be376add45a5b8d895121c390d86 (A, ADATA, B, BDATA, C, CDATA, created_date, D, DDATA, deleted, E, EDATA, EXECUTIONID, EXPRESSION, F, FDATA, G, GDATA, GSPARTICIPANTID, H, HDATA, I, IDATA, J, JDATA, modified_date, RESULT, STEPID, STEPNAME, gsid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) bind => [30 parameters bound]


@john_apple  @alex_legay  for some reference on our needs, this is the workflow we have set up

@john_apple and  @alex_legay did you both get a chance to view the comments here?