Refresh Button on 360-Level Cockpit

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Similar to the refresh button on the Timeline, it would be very helpful to have a refresh button for the Cockpit section on the 360. Use case: if I add a follow up task to a Timeline activity and then go to the Cockpit to add more details to it, it is not yet there; the entire page must be refreshed in order for it to appear. No bueno.

Strongly agree -- a built-in refresh button would make for a smoother experience

+1 Please and thank you!

Hey @gunjanm, thank you for posting on Community. Seems like a good idea for the followup task to show up on Cockpit instead of refreshing the entire page. Sounds like a great idea, however the PMs have to check the feasibility of this enhancement on their roadmap and get back to you. 

Circling back on this request -- I just had a couple of CSMs ask me if this was possible:

“Hey Sarah, we love the new dashboards and I love that I can just refresh the dashboard right within the page view. Can I do the same in my cockpit?


I told them there was already a request out there for this feature and that I’d let the community know their feedback! CSMs would love to see this request implemented as well as GS admins!

@sriram pasupathi just so that this is on your radar.