Data Spaces Feedback

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  • The behavior of drag and drop a filed vs. click to add a field is different in Data Spaces than it is in Rules and Reports. Would be good to standardize on one.

  • Sometimes if the scroll bar appears in the field selection it can impede the ability to click to add a field

  • Would be helpful to have 'Collapse all' and 'Expand all' options

  • Need some method to display the Data Space filters when it's being used on Rules and in Reports - otherwise the results are really confusing
Can you explain further your last comment?  What is the confusion?
The Data Space filters are always applied as an 'AND' to the filters in rules and reports. But there is no visual indicator within rules and reports that there is a filter being carried over from the Data Space configuration. So if you did not build the Data Space configuration you may not be aware of the extra filter being applied to your results (and may be confused about the results you are getting).

I think it's important to add a visual indicator of the Data Space filters both to the rules and report configuration but also where reports are surfaced to the end users.
If I understand you correctly, you are assuming that the user knows that there is an object (or multiple objects) that the data space is built from and you suggest that we expose the scheme by which it was built.  My going in perspective is that the Data Space just is what it is and means whatever it was defined to mean.  Do you see it differently?
+1 to Karl's comment. One thing we could do is have the description of the data space easily available (e.g. as an hover) in the rule and report builder so person building a rule or report on data space can have more context of what it means, which will also likely explain the intent behind the filters. 
First - Data spaces may be one of the coolest things I've ever seen at Gainsight. This just opened so many opportunities and data in places we used to struggle to get to!!!


I think a couple (hopefully small) changes could really help usability in data spaces.

1. the search bar disappears when I scroll through the available field list. Could it stay right next to the source object so I can always see it?

When your bouncing around its easy to forget what you searched then confusing when fields don't show up that you expect. should be something you always see - like the rules engine setup search.

2. There's sometimes 5 ways to get back to an object (account for example) when your using data spaces. It would be great to "freeze" (like excel) the hierarchy from the source object to the fields I'm looking at. So in a quick glance I can see the "Owner" field I'm looking at is...

>Opportunity Product



       - Owner Field

Instead of currently it looking like...

>Opportunity product

        -Owner Field (which is actually account owner field)

Let me know what everyone thinks.

To add on to this, is there any idea of permissions at this level?  I'd love the ability to restrict these data spaces to specific users.

This may be a little late - but [i]I just noticed that there is no message notifying you that you are deleting a field in use in a given data space. If that deleted field is in a report, rule, etc, it still lets you delete it and then the report errors out. Can we do some sort of check here?