Multiple Tiers for Tasks

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In support of this already logged question, I would also like to be able to have sub-tasks under task created against Objective CTAs.  Often times we find ourselves in situations where we would like to be able to create a high level task, and then create supporting sub-tasks to be able to efficiently drive the task itself.

For example, if the task was “Create Spreadsheet Report”, there would be a number of sub-tasks such as data gathering, design building, design review, implementation, testing, and delivery.

Sub-tasks would allow us to get to the level outlined above.

Hi @mroy6283 :

Are these subtasks more like guidance for the end-user? Or something that you would want to report completion on? If it is the former, could having these details in the comments be an alternative?

Hi @aditya_marla 

The subtasks would, in essence, be normal tasks but with another layer of organization enabled to better manage the account. I would envision something like the below:

  1. Objective CTA
    1. Playbook Task
      1. Subtask 1
      2. Subtask 2
      3. Subtask N

The whole idea here is to be able to appropriately tie our tasks to the objectives they belong to, but we require another layer of organization to be completely effective.




Got it. 

There is no plan on our near term roadmap to introduce another level of tasks. If these details are present in the description would that be a reasonable solution for now?

The task description could be something like: 

“The action items for this task are: 

  • Subtask 1
  • ​​​​​​​Subtask 2
  • Subtask 3

@mroy6283  changing this into to idea post!