Filter by Reporting Category on Timeline & Save Filters

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We have a large number of activity types (35+) available for logging to timeline, but they breakdown in to just 4 categories. Our CSM’s would love the ability to just filter their timeline to show specific categories (e.g. Meeting) which currently requires selecting 20 or so different types of meetings. 

In addition, or could be instead, the ability to save the filters they had selected last time would help with this (and stay across all timelines). 

Hello Everyone!

Happy to announce that your request has been partially considered and included as part of the v6.23 release (SFDC / NXT). Advanced Filters for Timeline Activities now contain more operators for filter configuration. This enhancement gives users flexibility when filtering data and creating reports. It also makes timeline filters consistent with the filters in other product areas, such as Report Builder and Rules Engine. 

This feature is implemented in both SFDC & NXT versions.

Thanks for posting!