Be able to customize the "Create" button in the new C360

Related products: CS 360 Company & Relationships

Hi all,

I think it could be nice to have the possibility to customize the options available in the new C360, for the button “Create”.

For example, my team would like to have “Call” instead of the 3 that are there.



I (like @gunjanm) would like to be able to remove the “Person” option as we do not want our CSMs adding people in Gainsight. We want them to ONLY do this in Salesforce. I have to have a workaround that provides me a weekly report whenever someone adds a person in Gainsight and then I have to back it all out and tell the user to add the person in Salesforce and NOT Gainsight.

@tmorgan In the admin section of the new C/R360 layout, for the People section, we have a configuration that allows you to decide if ‘Create Person’ should be enabled or not for the end-users. If it doesn’t work for you, please let me know.

@Shilpa Gumnur that is GREAT! Thanks for letting me know that option was there. I must have missed it in the documentation. It is sort of buried in that People section and I wouldn’t have known to look there without your help. Thanks!