Move Account CTA to Relationship (and vice versa)

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Our CSMs use Risk CTAs to track account and relationship level risks. We've implemented a process where our sales team checks an 'At Risk' box in Salesforce that translates into a Risk CTA for our CSMs. Sometimes these are created at the account level, but really only apply to one of the relationships. Is there a way for CSMs to assign/move an existing CTA from an account level CTA to a relationship?

Hi Katie,

Thanks for sharing this. How do you decide initially, if a CTA has to be assigned to an account or a relationship?

For this particular example (Risk CTAs) we request that they be as specific as possible, but sometimes the initial risk is pretty vague...the customer is 'unhappy' so we may enter the risk at the account level assuming the entire account is at risk or churn. After diving into the issue and talking with the customer we realize only 1 of their teams/relationships is unhappy and the rest still love our product. In that case, we'd like to be able to move the CTA to the 1 relationship that is truly at-risk instead of saying the entire account is at risk.

Got it...thanks for sharing more details. One question, does this happen frequently ? Also is this always for Global CTA Types (i.e the ones that apply to both relationships & accounts?)

We haven't needed this much in the past, but I'd expect it more frequently with our new Risk CTA process. Most of our CTA Types are global, so yes, it would almost always be a global CTA Type.