TO_Date & TO_String functions in Rules Engine

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Can we please add TO_Date & TO_String functions added to list of available functions in formula field in Rules Engine.

This would really help in many configurations and data conversion tasks

Can you elaborate the need or exact use case for ToDate() or ToString() function? Is it because of an incorrect ingest process where the datatype was not selected what it was supposed to be?


@Anirudh, Could you please brief more about the use-case?

I realize this post is a bit old, but I’d like to have a toString function in the rules as well.


A simple use case would be if you wish to concatenate a string with a number or a date and then load that as a comment in an activity. You cannot use the concat() function in combination with anything that isn’t a string, and you cannot compose a text with @tokens in the “Load to Activities” action like you can when creating CTAs.