Linked Objects in Success Plan Objectives via Rules Engine

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We are trying to move towards using success plans rather than multiple separate CTAs for one project. This way we can track progress in one place that is easy to see and then compare usage data 

We want to be able to choose a linked object during rule action set up for success plans that would drop down into the objectives from the template chosen in the rule. 

Use Case:

I have an implementation success plan template set up that I want to use in a rule that creates success plans once a new sale opportunity closes. I want to add the opportunity as a linked object in the Rule's Action Setup so that it populates in each of the objectives I have set up in the template. This way when an implementation consultant goes into the success plan, they can click objectives, select their first objective, and look at the sales hand-off notes from the related opportunity. This way they dont have to search for their assigned opportunity, search by the name, and add it manually.
I'm able to do this only through bionic rules based on opportunity data. Manually, not so much, but if you can swing the automation based on specific events, you get an efficiency win as well!
When you are creating a success plan via bionic rules do you have a link object selection in the Setup Action part of the rule creation? This is where I am having an issue since I do not have the option to choose a linked object. I am using the bionic rules and I think I found a work around for myself that may be sufficient for the team, but the true goal is to get the linked objects to show in the individual objectives.
I totally see what you're saying. In my experience, it's one way or the other. You have to choose the CTA path and get that kind of linkability, or choose the success plan path and pass token info from the opportunity through to the fields, or using criteria to change the mix of Objectives the plan has. 
Hi Colleen,

Thanks for sharing this. Do you want the same opportunity to be linked to all the objectives in the success plans? Or do you want these details to be present on the Success Plan itself (the plan info section?)


I have a similar use case. We are loading historical data to a custom object. This data is now being captured in the Success Plan via a linked object on the objective. I’m loading the historical data to the linked object but want to automatically create the linkage to the success plan as well. In this case we have a specific objective where we want to add the linked object information so in the rule I would want to specify the success plan (already created), add the objective  (may or may not be already created) and populate the linked object data (not created).