Create Activities From Global Timeline

Related products: CS Timeline

Often times our CSM's want to be able to enter activities for multiple clients at one time.  Maybe they are on back to back calls and haven't had a chance to go in and log all activity.  Being able to create entries in one place (ie - on the Global Timeline) regardless of customer would be beneficial and would greatly reduce the number of clicks for our CSM's. 

We also require CSM's to track their time spent on non-client facing activities against an internal dummy account and this would allow them to do so all in one place. 
Hi Kate, the ability to create a timeline activity entry from Global Timeline is on the short term priority list and should be released in the next few months. 🙂
Hi Kate, 

With today's release of v5.15, users can create activities from the global Timeline page and associate them with an account or relationship as needed.
Thanks Lila, I saw that and have passed it along to our CSM leadership so they can tell their teams.  Super exciting! 
This is a good thing