Recognize Renewal Center Widgets in Data Management Dependencies

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I ended up with a redundant field in my GS Opportunity object and tried to delete it and got ye ol’ “cannot delete due to dependencies” message.

Going through the Dependencies list under Data Management, I removed all of them. Or so I thought.

Evidently, the widgets are not included in dependency lists, so if you use your field on one widget on one view you’ll never be able to delete your field. Considering anyone can make a view, this is especially problematic as you will have no idea where the field is being used, let alone how you would be able to find it and delete it.


Please include the widget and view name it is in as a dependency, once for each widget and view combination for Renewal Center. This will ensure fields can be deleted and dependencies tracked.

@bradley sorry for the inconvenience. We will definitely look into this. We understand the pain in tracking the dependency. Thanks for sharing your request. 

@sai_ram I ran into a similar issue today and while conceptually my idea may apply to both, I’m not sure if it should be a separate request since technically it would probably be two different implementations but here goes:


You can’t remove a display field in the configurator of the Forecast section for Table View or Detail View if it is consumed in one of the RC views somewhere. Similar problem to my original post, is if people can make their own custom views, you won’t ever be able to remove the displayed fields unless you go into every account and delete every instance.

So, my solution is CASCADE DELETE. If you are attempting to delete a field for any type of dependency, allow people to delete it at the configuration level, warn them it is used elsewhere and allow the admin to override the warning to delete all instances. Does that make sense?

@bradley Both of the requests make sense. We will plan to show the Widgets & Views in the dependancy list. We will also look into the feasibility of Cascade Delete for Table configuration from RC Admin.

@bradley Both of the requests make sense. We will plan to show the Widgets & Views in the dependancy list. We will also look into the feasibility of Cascade Delete for Table configuration from RC Admin.

Awesome, thanks @vivekreddy !