Enhance Scorecard History to allow for more than one Scorecard at a time

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We just switched to a new Scorecard. We have history to populate, but cannot because within the Account Scorecard History table each customer can only have ONE scorecard record in the history table per snapshot date and if there are already records for the PREVIOUS scorecard it will block loading history for the NEW scorecard.

So in order to load for the new history, I have to have the old scorecard data purged - which I cannot do so I’m at the mercy of Gainsight Support (and the inherent delays that come with that).

But why must the data be purged?  What if we want to preserve the history for the old scorecard (while backfilling history for the new scorecard) so that we could make YoY comparisons between the two scorecards?


TLDR; there really needs to be an easier way to create and load data for a new scorecard.

+1 - I have the same issue, and it seems like it should be possible because the Scorecard ID is stored in the object.  So, it seems like you should be able to specify that you want to load the history from Scorecard ID 1 to Scorecard ID 2 and have it all live in that object - especially because one of the use cases for adding a new scorecard is changing the weight of the measures - so ideally, you’d want to load the data for those measures for the new scorecard as well.  

@darkknight Since there can only be one active scorecard at a given point in time, the same extends to the history as well. This helps make sure there are no unexpected impacts on reporting.

We will give you the ability to delete scores from scorecard history soon.One thing we could do is give the option to do a soft delete, so you can access these scores for YoY comparison etc.


