Add ability to customize date range when producing Success Snapshots

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I have not begun using Success Snapshots yet for various reasons but talking with my Gainsight CSM I understand that if I have formatted a presentation to have specific Reports show up on the slides, the date range will be hardcoded and the CSM would not be able to select an alternative date range.

Sometimes adapting to customer schedules has an impact on the date range of data you plan to share.  There needs to be flexibility in the SS feature for the CSM to select a date range that maps  to their specific need.
This is a great suggestion Jeff. You are right, currently the date range is hardcoded in the template along with other filters. We will look into ways to enable CSMs to enter a date while exporting the snapshot and get back to you. Thanks. 
Gaurav - any update on this?
Jeff, this has not yet been taken up, due to the various other things reporting team has worked on. For Q1 we are planning to make various improvement to Snapshots around formatting. I will work on a comprehensive spec next week and send to you. thanks
Gaurav, I'm not sure I ever received a spec on this from you, though admittedly I'm sure we've both been very busy.  Would love to reconnect on it.
Jeff, the main changes around Success Snapshot are

1) Formatting changes similar to what has been reported here -

2) Ability to have multiple summary widgets on same PPT slide

3) Customize dates as you have suggested here. 
Awesome thanks Gaurav! Looking forward to it!
Any updates on the custom dates for end users?

@anirbandutta send help? No updates in 4 years?

@anirbandutta send help? No updates in 4 years?

Thanks for bubbling this up Brad, let me see what I can do.

@rahul_prayakarao , just bringing this to your attention.

Hello to everyone on this thread. I am the product manager for Success Snapshots. I have some follow up questions before solving this problem for everyone

  • The expectation is for the CSM to decide the date range while exporting a particular Success Snapshot. Yes or No?
    • If yes, should an Admin decide which Snapshot templates should have a date range filter?
  • Is my assumption that all the reports in the Snapshot template to have a single date range filter correct?