Add CTA Closed Date to Cockpit View

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A lot of my CSMs are asking for the Playbook to show the closed date for each individual CTA, rather than just the closed date for the entire Playbook. 


Hi @ArielMatroni :

Could you provide some details on why would your CSMs want to view the closed data of tasks? We show each tasks due date towards the end - is that not useful?

There is no capability to configure additional display fields in the list view for tasks, but you can add those details within the detail view of the task (eg. when the CSM clicks on the task - review usage data - they can see the data it was closed in the detail view). Does that help?

Their feedback:

Currently: These are the dates that were “scheduled” and provide no value to me once I check them off. 

But knowing what date I completed each step would be helpful to keep track of each CTA I’m working on

Hi @ArielMatroni ,

We have recently released a Task View for all CTA Tasks assigned to a CSM. Do you think that will solve this above use case of showing the Closed Date of the tasks?

