Ability To Comment On Timeline Activities

Related products: CS Timeline

Use Case: Someone tags me in a timeline activity. I get the email in which customer has called out a couple questions during the weekly sync call, posted into the timeline activity. I click on "View activity" where I'd like to provide updates to the questions being asked of me. At this point, however, not sure where to provide my update. I cannot add any type of comment or can I edit the post as the CSM created it. In this particular scenario there has been 2-3 other posts so adding another post I feel would make the timeline thread confusing.

My idea here is either the ability to post a comment/update to an existing timline task or once someone is tagged into the thread (or added as attendee etc.) give them the ability to then edit/comment. I'm open to ideas, but thinking the ideal solution would be that CSM could create a task for me asking the questions. I could then update a comment box on the task and then close it. It didn't appear that I could comment on a task while testing on a timeline activity. That seems to be a minimal lift by just adding a "comment" field.

+1, was showing this to some of our end-users the other day and this was their first question/request. This would make Timeline truly collaborative and help close the loop on notifications.

But if you get this feature, Steve, how long until you ask for emoji reactions and animated.gifs? ;-)

It was implied. :)