Create Reports with the Visuals of the Scorecard UI Views

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

It would be helpful to have the ability to create reports with the same visual elements of the Scorecard UI view. Currently there is not ability to replicate this aesthetic.
Hi Seth. This is a great idea and something we are doing starting with scorecard UI view for relationship in the release coming out tomorrow. Which UI view would you like to see possible in report 2.0 framework?
I believe this to be a related request, but I've had multiple customers requesting the ability to create a report that looked exactly like the Scorecard History view seen on Customers 360 page under the "Scorecard" section (See below).

This would allow the customers to have this report wherever they would like. For example, having this in report form would allow it to be exported to the Success Snapshots feature.

Thanks for the support!

Take care,

Logan T.
We would like to be able to use this type of report in a success snapshot.  It is a nice way to show the customer what lifetime score with our company has been.
I would like to be able to show scores color coded when I add them to other reports, including reports on MDA objects that are showing scores with other data (such as subscores, opp data, etc).

I would also like to be able to add the overall score and subscores to other reports and dashboards without doing a custom join of the data.