Expand the Product Request Fetch to include existing requests from Productboard

Related products: CS Other Features

Currently, the Product Requests feature, which integrates with Productboard, will only fetch and update requests created in Gainsight via Product Requests. As such, any existing requests from Productboard will not be surfaced here in Gainsight via this integration, and should a CSM need to reference any product requests which did not originate from Gainsight, they would need to do so in Productboard. 

A major benefit of this feature is that CS users can capture requests directly from C360 and confidently communicate the status of these specific requests due to the bidirectional flow from Productboard. However, this feature would be significantly enhanced by facilitating the push of existing request data for requests that did not originate in Gainsight. This would allow CSMs to quickly and confidently communicate with customers regarding any existing product requests without the need to navigate elsewhere unless necessary for further context/investigation.  This would allow CSMs to holistically manage customer requests and work more efficiently.

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@rahul_prayakarao could you pl take a look at this?

@Molly.McQ this feature is now available with October release. But most of the work is manual as Productboard does not have APIs to automate this process.


Here is the link to the support documentation.

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