5.6 Not able to edit or delete a Timeline activity created from the CTA in the regular C360 Timeline

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I noticed that I'm not able to edit or delete a Timeline activity created from the CTA in the regular C360 Timeline area - is that by design?  

I was a little confused until I finally went back to Cockpit and found the edit and delete buttons on the Activity within the CTA.  I was hoping to make the edit from the C360 Timeline.  

If this is by design, can we at least add a link on CTA generated Activities in C360 Timeline that takes me right back to the CTA to make the edit there so I don't have to hunt it down.  Thanks!

P.S.  I'm really having fun demo'ing Timeline to customers! 🙂
I believe that is by design and it's described in the release notes.
Thanks, Lila!  I think this will be easily overlooked by the average CSM user - so I guess now this is a just suggestion to have a hyperlink to the actual CTA from C360 Timeline to make edits or delete the activity.  
Changed to an Idea post and assigned to Nitisha for comment.
Wouldn't ideally it make sense to respect the "original contributor can edit/delete their own entries" rule regardless of where the activity entry is being viewed?
Yes, it is by design Elaine. I believe the CTA generated activities will have an "i" icon that shows which CTA it is tied to and also the Account/Relationship Type information for easier finding.

But it's a good UX suggestion to have a link that takes us to CTA, even I asked for the same. 
Thanks Roshan.  Is the "i" coming in the actual release on 5/23?  I don't see it in GonG today.   Also, I think Dan made a good point that it would be nice to edit in either location since I'm the original contributor.  Would that be possible in the future?
A small correction here, "i" icon will appear only for drafts or Edit in CTA section which will show CTA name and Customer Name both.
Elaine, small correction here, actually "i" icon appears while logging an activity in Cockpit itself(pic attached). For easier finding, the recommendation was to sort by Type in Cockpit and find the CTA. I guess Nitisha would be the right person to answer about the possibility of having a link that takes us to CTA directly. 

Hi All,

Thanks for bringing up these points, makes sense.

Currently, all CTA related drafts are available in cockpit and (360 cockpit section) only. Had we allowed modifying CTA activities from 360 too, half of the CTA drafts would have been in cockpit and half in 360. As per us, it would have been more confusing to the user as currently, there is no easy way to identify the context and location of the draft.

We are working on solving this problem. We are coming up with the concept of global timeline and drafts. Global timeline and global drafts will have activities and drafts with context across all features. Once we implement it, timeline and drafts will become more streamlined and intuitive.

In the meantime, we will look into the possibilities of adding a link to the CTA in the activity.

