Multiple data sources to view/toggle

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Just a thought but it would be amazing if we were able to view/toggle between different data sources relating to those people on the map. The NPS/time met are indeed one of the critical ones but there are few other we would find useful - # of Risk CTAs this person is associated with, number of open tickets, product usage for last 90 days and so on. (Understand there would be some restrictions in terms of text/field length to accomodate it all in a small box)


Hi Katerina,

That's a great idea, we are actively looking into identifying custom data points or attributes of a Person that we could reflect on People Maps!

One question, how much of a difference would it make if this were on the card itself vs in the detailed view? Given the limited real estate, would just having the flexibility of picking which fields come up on the card suffice?



Thanks Kunal!

Yep - being able to select which fields would appear on the card would be great. For us - we have the 4 key KPIs on the main view in Person in C/R360 - but it's just not that visible/immediately obvious especially where you have tens of contacts – being able to a lot more powerful in the People Maps and having this option may give us more space on the list view for other key info

Thanks Katerina! We're looking into how we can provide the abiity to visualize more content and attributes on the map while still keeping a clean UX. You'll definitely see updates on that front in the future!