Timeline: Enable External Attendee to pull from Company Person

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Couldn’t find this posted anywhere (kinda surprised if it’s not) so adding this entry to request that Timeline Activities allow the ability to pull in Company Person records to External Attendees.

We’re using the Person model, trying to obscure the interconnection between Contact and Person as much as possible since it’s a confusing topic for non-admins,  but this is actually causing confusion for our end users.

@darkknight We are working on it and it will be available within two months.

@nitisha_rathi - was this ever released? I still see External Attendees as a string. It would be great if attendees was a lookup to a person record.

@jean.nairon while creating a report, you can use Activity Attendee object. It has the lookup capabilities.

@Chirag - thank you. I looked and found Activity Attendee. I think this idea should be marked as completed. It’s listed as planned and I wasn’t sure if it was possible. 

@Chirag - thank you. I looked and found Activity Attendee. I think this idea should be marked as completed. It’s listed as planned and I wasn’t sure if it was possible. 

@jean.nairon updated!! Thanks!

Hey guys, sorry to revive this thread, but the “Activity Attendee” object only has a lookup to the Person object, right? No Company Person, correct?


EDIT: Nevermind guys!