Automatic Update of Task Due Date Upon Completion

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When completing a task, it would be nice if the due date of that task would automatically update to today's date. Many tasks continuously get pushed back based on lack of response from client. Updating these task's due dates can be overwhelming to maintain. I go back in to old CTAs frequently to track down when I completed a certain task, and if I donot think to update the task due date every time I complete a task, the date completed shows whatever the original due date was. Thanks.
Good call!
Hi Bennett,

If i understand correctly, your ask is to change Task Due date = Today, when closing Task successfully?
Yes. That's correct, Hitesh. If there is a way to do that currently, please let me know!
Currently there's no way to do that, but we can definitely think about this.

Follow up Question: 

1) Is this always applicable to all the tasks that you are closing? There can be a scenario when you have actually completed a task yesterday and closing it today.

One way i could think of solving this is by giving an option to update due date when closing task manually (similarly to what we get when cascading due dates)


The manual update option at closing would be great. I cannot not think of a scenario when I wouldn't want to due date to update to the day I complete the task. However, I am sure people work differently than I do. Maybe you could add a field called "Completion Date" that is auto-populated when you check the task as complete?
I think I am missing something... When I mark a task as completed, the ClosedDate = Today.  The due date never changes, unless I manually update it.  This is exactly how I believe it should work.  Why does Bennett have task due dates changing when he closes tasks?
Hey Melissa, we’re on the same page. My due dates do not update when I complete a task. What I was saying is I want them to. Are you saying there is a field that populates with the date the task was closed?
There sure is!  On the CSTask Object there is a field called ClosedDate.
Ha! I misread Bennett's issue. Good catch Melissa!
@Bennett, We can use the closed date to track the Task Completed date. Hope this solves your use-case. 

"Closed date" on "CS Task" object is the field where you find the Task closed date.

Thanks for posting!