Aggregate to a Median Value in Rules

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I would love to be able to aggregate to a median number in the transformation task of a rule. Right now, it's possible to calculate an average, but average is not always the best way to aggregate a series of numbers. Median would allow me to do more of my reporting in Gainsight, rather than using outside software. 
Hi Dallis,

Thanks for sharing the Idea. We have planned for few statistical formulas in coming releases(Later after winter release). And those statistical formulas includes median!
Hi - this release just came out this week and I was disappointed to see that Median calculations only exist as Formula Fields and not as an aggregate calculation. I need to calculate Median values across many rows of data which isn't possible in the current configuration. I hope you plan on introducing aggregate median calculations soon as I'm having to work with other software to build a number of graphs at the moment and it's causing a very disjointed workflow for our CSMs
Hi Dallis,

Can you elaborate more on the use case you are trying to solve? It will help us understand and provide you with the best solution.



One example is if I wanted to calculate the Median number of days that it takes an account to reach "value". I have an MDA table that tracks when an account hits a certain milestone, records that date and then calculates how many days past it's onboarding it takes to reach that. We have a few outlier accounts that really skew the results if I just calculate the average number of days to value across all accounts, so a median value is a better representation.

I want to be able to calculate the median days to value per month to see if changes to our onboarding process are producing the results we're looking for. So in a bionic rule, I want to be able to take a transform step where I Group By the month, and then  Show the Month and a Median Aggregate of all of my calculated Days To Value. Then I could build reports off of this data.

We also have a lot of customers who ask us how they compare against other customers as far as product usage goes. I calculated the average number of actions per month across all accounts and built MDA tables to display that number vs an individual account's number. However, again we've found outliers really skew that number. I need to be able to calculate the Median instead of the Average across all our accounts to get a better representation.
Hi Dallis,

I am running into the same issue and am wondering if you have found any work arounds?