Improve formatting / look of C360/R360 attributes section

Related products: CS 360 Company & Relationships

This is feedback from HPE ADM CSMs: 

Currently, the "Attributes" section in C360/R360 is very bland.  It's difficult to work with and actually trafck key attributes. 

The request would be to enhance the formatting options for this sections, allowing admins to higlhlight specific fields, bold text, change column widths and field sizes, etc. 
Nadav - I agree that we could make that section better. Not sure I understand why field sizes need to be configurable, though. Also, couldn't we leverage the summary section for things that have to be highlighted? Would love to better understand what exactly is cumbersome.

Hi Manu, 

The request was to improve the overall formatting of this section. 

Specifically, the ability to create sections / groups of field, add titles / section headers, or give different fields different formatting to indicate different levels of importance. 

Summary is great but has limited number of fields, and there are many instances where attribute section gets really long and doesn't look appealing as it's just a list of fields. 
Also having the ability to have three or four columns could also be useful.
In addition to the good suggestions above, you could improve the default formatting for checkbox fields. It's a very light gray box with a white check - very low legibility.