Multi-Level Data Sorting

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Currently in Gainsight Horizon Analytics you can only sort data by one dimension (column) at a time. I would like the ability to:


  • Sort by Column A, and then by Column B (currently it is column a OR column b)
  • When using a Row Grouping, sort by my row grouped field and then each group by one or more dimensions without impacting their position in the overall grouping. For example:
    • Grouping by customer name I want that sorted alphabetically. Then I want to sort timeline entries by subject (alphabetically) and then activity date for each customer. These two later sorts shouldn’t impact the position of the customer in the overall group by sort.
  • Have the ability to have this sorting configured as a default by the admin, but have end users able to update and save sorting preferences similar to how they can global filters today.


I sort of use the terms rank/sort interchangeably even though one is probably more appropriate to use.

Hey @bradley, thank you for posting on Community. Seems like a great idea, however the PMs have to check the feasibility of this enhancement on their roadmap and get back to you.

@anirbandutta FYI

Love this suggestion!

@Azad putting this on your radar.

@Azad any love for this?

@Prateek Parashar could you pl share an update?

Hello All,

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding multi-level data sorting. We understand that this is a highly requested feature and we appreciate your interest in our product. We want to assure you that this feature is definitely part of our roadmap for the upcoming fiscal year. 

We would like to highlight that we are also working on a few other initiatives that are also highly requested by the community like Inline Editing in reports and on our Platformization initiative( and have often requested items like “Allowing bucketing in reports “ & “Reporting on multi select pick list” in our roadmap) and believe these initiatives will bring significant value to many of our customers.

We appreciate your patience and understanding, and we'll keep you updated on any progress.