Dynamically choosing the type of CTA from the Timeline

Related products: CS Timeline

A customer asked the following: When I making an update in the 360 Timeline and create a task, why does it need to be an activity type CTA (or any static type depending on what you choose in the screen below). Can I chose what type of CTA should it be dynamically - can be an OPP, Risk or Activity, depending on the context? So, if I have a bad convo with a customer, while I am updating the Timeline 360, I also create a risk CTA? And when I see an opp to upsell a product or a service, I create an opp CTA from my timeline update?

Hi Meenal,

The idea behind it was to minimize the number of clicks/steps while creating a Timeline entry. I understood the use-case but we will take it up based on the number of customers asking for it.

