Sticky Account/Relationship selection

Related products: None

Currently when a customer goes to Playbooks/Success Plan it defaults to show the "Account Level" selections.

When customers that work 100% on the Relationship level encounter this, they run a risk of potentially setting up new configuration at the wrong level and then have no way to move it over, resulting in a doubled workload.

Is there any future plan to make this selection sticky?

To add, this really applies to ANYWHERE in Gainsight where we have this option!
Hi Tom, Do you mean to say that we should have state preservation in Success plans configuration page and Playbooks landing page. 
Hey SaiRam, yes that's more or less what we're hoping for in the short term, but overall it would be great to have state preservation anywhere that you have to select either "Account" or "Relationship" configurations.

@Tom, That's a valuable suggestion. Thanks for bringing this up!