Search tasks and CTA comments

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As a CSM I need to search all my notes so I can reference prior client communications while talking to a client.

Current situation:  Tasks and CTA Comments cannot be searched from the magnifying glass in Timeline.  CSMs that previously used One Note could search all their notes in a central search, but Timeline search is restricting the fields results return.

Acceptance criteria:

Advanced search function that allows additional fields to be searched

Magnifying glass on Timeline defaults to search all fields including CTA comments & task details
Hey Angela - is Global Timeline enabled for you all?  While still a beta feature, our CSMs use the filter tool so they only see their posts, and then search for various keywords.  It was able to a solve a similar problem for them.
Thanks for sharing, Angela! This was one of the drivers behind bringing Timeline to CTAs, so that all commentary can be brought together at various levels (360, global). Does require some process change though to move away from the older CTA comments box.
I do have Global Timeline in the test environment, and while it does search the Timeline activity notes, it does not return even the words in the title of a task associated with a timeline activity.

This was recently raised as request from our team as well. Thank you for logging this!