CTA objects stored on MDA rather than SFDC

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I have a customer that wants to have the option to have CTA/CTA tasks objects to use Gainsight MDA objects only. In their instance the Gainsight CTA object is adding up to the load that they already have on Salesforce. It would be simpler and easier for them if they had the option to make Gainsight CTA tasks a recorded part of MDA rather than SF.

No way to do that now but it is the direction we are heading. 
Love this idea! It would also help my organization out as well. Thanks for submitting!
Awesome idea! +1 to this feature request
+1 to this!!
One consideration for moving Call to Action and CSTask objects data from SFDC to MDA– would we lose the ability to track field history? I wind up using these quite a bit.
Hi Pele,

What are the main changes on the CTA object you want to track? (Status change?) Also, are details about the latest change only needed Or is the entire history needed? 
Hi Aditya,

Thanks for the response! The main fields that are important for us that we currently have field history tracking enabled for are Assignee, Close Date, Due Date, and Status.

It's helps us answer a lot of questions about why tasks weren't completed "on time" (e.g. tasks due before a renewal, that had a due date pushed out past renewal for some reason) and/or questions like "when did this CTA get assigned to me?". 

Having the field tracking history objects to report off of and potentially run rules off of (we've yet to do this, but consider it a lot), is pretty handy for us. 

Also, I do like having the entire history available– it helps paint the entire picture of what happened, why things might have slipped, and how can we prevent things from slipping again in the future. 

- Pele 
Got it, thanks a lot for sharing this Pele