Save Partial Survey Responses

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I have a customer who would like to save partial survey responses if the user leaves the page before finishing the Survey.
Yup.  That is important.  Very much on the roadmap. 
This would be awesome. I know SurveyMonkey accomplishes this functionality through pagination. 
Same request from Box! It would be great if we could capture partial survey responses. Both to capture as much data as possible, as well as to identify where customers drop off in the survey completion process

(i.e. whether a customer never even starts the survey vs. only makes it

half way through) so we know which parts of the process to adjust.

@Karl -- any notion on general timeline that I can share with the business? :) 
@nora you know that the product manager union regulations require that I not give timeframes 🙂.  In fact, this is near the top of our list for surveys and are targeting for Spring release...but can't guarantee it will make it.  If not, it will be the following quarter. 
This feature is now in the product (in case you missed it in our May release)
Where are the responses captured?  Is it under Admin/Data Management?  

I found the fully submitted data under the Survey itself, but not the partial responses.


Hi Jim, Is it possible that your partial save period hasn't passed yet? The field Partial completion allows you to configure the amount of time required before a partially saved response gets converted to responded. By default, this value will be set to 10 days.