Sort the Usage Sections on the Fly | Adoption Explorer

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Hi Team,


Currently, if we have to sort data in the AE Layouts, we have to edit the Usage Section and then add the field in question to Order By to set the ASC or DESC order. There isn’t a way for the End User to sort the fields on the fly. If they have to, then the reach the Admin to make the edit on the Layout and sort it.

It would be great if we could consider providing the End users the ability to sort the Layout as per their needs on the fly. 


@KiranNadukula That’s a valid UX feedback, thanks for bringing this up. I have redirected this to the UX team as well as the product team.

@KiranNadukula  Does the UX based sorting not help for the usecase? If we have data in tabular format, we can use the column label itself to sort data. This works for String and Numbers and Date columns today.

@skalle Unfortunately, the UX based sorting doesn’t help here. The Layouts for which we have requested this sorting are not Tabular format. Whenever we want to sort the data in a layout, we need to edit the layout and then add the Order by field to ASC or DESC. Instead of this, if we can directly sort the data on the fly - just like in a tabular format when you hit on the column label the data is sorted - in a similar fashion if the data is sorted on other visualizations that will help a lot.