How to ingest data into Relationship Person through Bionic rule:

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How to ingest data into Relationship Person through Bionic rule:


While we are setting up any configuration at an account level, we make use of Company Person object to browse through the respective contacts associated with that account. We have a direct connector job in connector 2.0 to sync the data from SFDC to Company Person object in Gainsight, which makes our job easier.


But when you are setting up something at a Relationship level, we need to sync the Relationship Person object to bring the user level details of that relationship.


Since we do not have the connector job to sync the relationship data, we need to configure the Bionic rule with the Action “Load to People”. The rule configuration is easy except the lookup configuration in the setup action. 


Let me show step by step simply and stress more on the lookup configuration in more detail.


  1. Create a new rule at “Account” level.

  2. Fetch the contacts from SFDC Contact object

  3. Fetch the Relationship details Relationship Contact object

  4. Merge Relationship Contact and Contact objects based on the Contact id from both datasets.




  1. In the Setup action, select the action “Load to People” and you will get three sections

  • Person

  • Company Association 

  • Relationship Association

These three sections in “Load to Person”  loads the contact’s information to Person, Company Person and Relation Person objects respectively

The main area where I want to focus is setting up the look-up in the Relationship section to map the fields correctly.

  1. In the Person section, as you map the necessary fields email field will be automatically included as an identifier.


           Map the remaining fields as necessary.

  1. Since we are ingesting Person information at Relationship level, we can skip the Company association if we need not ingest data into Company Person. So Jumping on to the Relationship association section, we need to create a lookup that populates Relationship ID in Relationship Person based on the field SFDC relationship ID in Relationship object.


Click on the ‘Import Lookup’ and then the pop-up window appears where we need to configure the lookup.




  • Select the look-up type as direct. Then select the object ‘Relationship’ from the drop-down in the ‘From’.

  • The ‘Target’ field is by default ‘Relationship ID’ because we are trying to populate ‘Relationship ID’ in ‘Relationship Person’ object.

  • Now map the ‘Relationship’ field that we have pulled from ‘Relationship contact’ object to ‘SFDC Relationship ID’ field in Relationship object. Doing this will create a new GSID value for each ID coming from the SFDC. And also this newly created ‘Relationship ID’ has a lookup to ‘Relationship’ MDA object.

  • Select either the ‘Use any one match’ or ‘Mark record with an error option’ from the drop-down for ‘When multiple matches occur’ option. 

  • Select the option to ‘Reject the record’ when multiple matches occur.

  • Click on Apply and save the configuration as shown below.




  • You can add more target fields if needed by clicking  on +Derived mapping.

  1. Map the remaining fields as required and save the configuration.

  2. Run the rule to check and data. Schedule the rule to upsert the Relationship person object and maintain up-to-date contacts at relationship level.

Once you the Relationship person, you will able to use this across all the features like sending email to respective contact through email assist, assigning CTA to relationship contact,  configuring JO at a relationship level.





Hi @Jyothsna 

It’s super helpful. Thanks for providing the step by step process. It help’s a lot.