Add helptext to fields from the MDA and display in Gainsight c360

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We would like to be able to add helptext to MDA fields AND to be able to see that helptext in the C360 as well. Example: When creating fields on the timeline object for activities we would like to be able to display helptext about that field in the c360.

@andrew_cummins Thanks for raising the request.

Thanks for posting this @andrew_cummins. We will start honoring the field help text for all the MDA fields created from data management, with the C360 redesign.
However the Timeline activity fields do not accept any help text as of now, @Chirag do we have any plans of adding help text to timeline activity fields?

@gopal_rao_kallepu what is the ETA for the new C360?

For Timeline, there’s no immediate plan to add help text to Timeline Activity fields as the team is occupied with other high-priority items.

We do not have the exact timelines available as of now @ana_g , but this is one of the highest priority items for us currently. 

@gopal_rao_kallepu will this also be available for Success Plans and Call to Actions

@Anil Raj Pujari and @sriram pasupathi can you provide an update for Cockpit and Success Plans.
@ana_g the new experience will be beta available post May 9, 2022.