Ability to search account other identifier in Sally

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Today Sally searches the account name but if a company is located at different geo locations it would still have the same name and hence difficult to use Sally. 

We could search using customer identifier or if that is the parent acc

Also the above ideas would differ from company to company and hence having this a part of config would be highly desirable
Hi Jahnavi,

Thanks for the post. There is customer search configuration in Gainsight (Administration -> Customers -> Customer Search Settings) that is being used for Global search of a Customer. Would it work for you if Sally expands its search capability based on this configuration?

yes surely we can try that
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Ability to search account using CSMs name using Sally.

Using Sally I should be able to search account assigned to a CSM

For eg: ABC relationships for XYZ CSM
@Jahnavi, valid suggestion and this is in our road-map. 

Since its a new enhancement request, changing this to an Idea post.
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Custom Search Parameter.

Is it possible to have Sally's "Summary for ...." search be based on something other than Account Name?  We use an internal ID to reference clients and although there are some that match company name, most don't.  

I know this internal ID is housed under the Account object in our SFDC instance so I'm hoping we can simply point to it versus Account Name.