Scorecard history not transferred forward in Scorecard 2.0 For Multi variant scorecards

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I have a request for enhancement coming out of the rolling out Scorecards 2.0 deployment.



      created a multi variation to our Scorecards based on the “Production Status” (attribute on GS Relationship object) of our accounts.
        2 Scorecards [list] Scorecard 1: Focuses on onboarding metrics such as training, downloading software and adds a higher weight on things you would expect to occur pre-production. Many of the metrics in the pre-production state carry over into the post-production scorecard Scorecard 2: Removes the focus on training and downloads and put a higher weight on metrics we associate with customers after they’ve reach "Production State".

Statement: When an account switches from pre-production to post production

it treats the metrics as entirely new. All of the metrics are wiped to

NA (both manual and data driven) and all of the history is not transferred

over. The majority of the metrics are the same and we are just reducing/re-weighting

the existing metrics as the customer moves through our lifecycle. [/list]
Hi Matthew,

All the data of the previous scorecards will be present in the Scorecard History object. This would not be visible in the C/R360 scorecard section (as that displays the data of the current active scorecard). Would being able to see the data in a report help? (Or do you need to be able to see them in the scorecard section in 360)

Also, what scoring scheme are you using for the scorecards?

We have a similar situation where our scorecards (2.0) are based on a client's stage - a lot of these metrics move over as the client progresses but the weights change. Rather than create another report and add yet another section to the C360 it would be helpful to keep those scores, for the metrics that bridge scorecards, in the Scorecard section.
We have a similar situation as well as we progress our customers through their lifecycle. In our instance, we are working with school districts which are either in session (commonly referred to the academic year) or out of session (commonly referred to Back To School time frame). Each of those phases are distinct and require different measurements, KPIs, and scorecards. However, there are some measures which are common across both scorecards and it is our desire to keep a trended, historical score to be exposed on whichever phase the customer is in (Academic Year or Back To School).